Really interesting infographic on future trends from Frank Diana at Tata Consultancy, that’s instructive to anyone in business. Based on recent / current scenarios and emerging and future accelerators. We’re definitely at big data / analytics / smart homes etc – it’s his future ideas that look surprising. Democracy 2.0 / Radical Life Extension, anyone?
About Sasha Frieze
Awarded Event Producer of the Year 2020 by Conference News a week before lockdown, Sasha Frieze leads The Business Narrative and is an event producer with decades of experience helping businesses and non-profits create meaningful events. A Fellow of both the Royal Society of Arts and the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Sasha is on the board of the event industry’s Event Management Apprenticeships Programme, a mentor for Fast Forward 15 and a Visiting Lecturer in Event Management at Westminster University. Connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn.